Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Girl in the Mirror

So... Originally, this blog was supposed to "pimp" the Etsy shop... I had a dream last night.. so vivid and strange about a couple from my past. One of those dreams that when you wake up you feel like you have been hit by in the face by a huge wave while you are at the beach...and you don't see it coming. Curiosity killed the cat. I succumbed to my gut. Ah, well..search the internets and you will find. Like it or not. I found the wife of the couple, she has a blog, a shop on Etsy, a member of Ravelry! So bizarre, so am I? Apparently they are so happy...she is a stay at home Mom, 2 beautiful kids, knits and is very into crafts, bakes her own bread..did I mention that she weighs about 105 lbs. Sick.

So weird! I never expected to discover this. She and I ended our relationship in such a weird way. I hurled her under the bus..repeatedly and she married someone that I regret walking away from...am I jealous? I don't know. I just feel weird. She and I were so different and now we have much more in common.

So..I guess that this person has inspired me..unexpectedly. You never know what will come out of a dream?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Earrings.... fantastic!

Busy, Busy, Busy

Lots has been going on in the GiftingGirls studio!!  We have new Wedding Party packages with multiple sets of cufflinks for an ENTIRE wedding party. These cufflinks are READY TO SHIP!  Also, We have incuded EARRINGS!  So very exciting... 

Let us know what you think...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

GiftingGirls are a bloggin'

Wow! We are now a Blog! Crazy.. We want to debut our new look at the Ole Etsy shop http://giftinggirls.etsy.com/ and give you some images of the new things that we have been designing.